
Showing posts from September 26, 2010
I recall that this particular Sunday, hit harder than other Sunday's, that the moment of recognition that the day had to end, would be lost somewhere between the bookend of the evenings sleep and the following weekend. I might recall the next Sunday of this particular moment, or look back to this photo as a reminder of that transient feeling of wading into the streaming flow of time, held afloat on the back of another day of the week. That we all feel this envy of ourselves tranposed upon the ideal of the day, is less comforting and more alarming, that we don't do more to create these moments in the majority of hours that make up our actual week. I close my eyes to envision this lighthouse, caught in the haze of my subconscious fog, and dwindling in the distance, the day has finally given us it's beauty just a few moments before it takes it away. I wake each morning, and in a sort of karmic jest, drive the half a block to the Sound's edge, and glance across the water to...

Onwards Down the Road(incomplete)

If it wasn't for this chain that sinks me down I'd probably high step walk right out of town I wouldn't turn my back, not for a sound I'd simply sink my feet and toes on forward ground. I wouldn't put a price on it I would just pack my bags and quit! But I haven't found the courage or a pair of shoes that fit! Onwards down the road I'd go Onwards to a place that I won't even know Onwards to a time, without a worried Mind Onwards to a new place that I could make my home! I'd clear out the cabinets of my mind I'd empty out the attic, leave it all behind I wouldn't stop to review what I'd find I'd trade it all for dust and wind and ties that wouldn't bind I wouldn't try to salvage it I'd burn it all in a fire pit But I haven't found the reason or the match that would stay lit Onwards down the road I'd go Onwards to a place that I won't even know Onwards to a time, without a worried Mind Onwards to a new place that...