Aloha Friday Motivation | Cinco De Roses Edition | POST:050523
Aloha and Happy Cinco De Derby, or Kentucky De Maio, or whatever clever mashup you come up with! Like the celestial event of a full lunar eclipse, the alignment of the Kentucky Derby and Cinco De Maio, falling on the same weekend, is not rare but certainly special...and certainly special to the adult beverage companies that reap the rewards of this twofer! In fact, Cinco De Maio already rivals the Super Bowl for most beer sales in the US. Further, while being a Mexican Holiday, celebrating the Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla in honor of a military victory over the French Forces of Napoleon III, it is actually more popular in the US than in Mexico. Cinco De Maio happens also to be the anniversary of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte (5/5/1821). So this must have been a somber day for Napoleon III having lost his uncle on the same day, albeit 41 years later. The Run for the Roses, the start of the Triple Crown Run with all its pomp and circumstance, ushers in the excitement of