Aloha Friday Motivation | Inspiration Edition | 060923
Happy Aloha Friday! Inspiration strikes more often than you think. The question is: are you actually paying attention as it moves the speed of light across the universe and zaps you…or are you too busy to take notice. Its easy to get caught up in the rigamarole. For me though, June and Pride month is reset, a grounding, one of those months that inspires me from such great heights . The Origins of Pride Month stem back to the early 1900s but it was the June 28 th 1969 raid of the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village that sparked six days of protests that moved the gay rights movement from the periphery to global news. For me, the inspiration stems from the bravery of those in the LGBTQ+ community to be their authentic selves in spite of great adversity. Though you may not directly identify with the community, all of humanity can identify with the struggle to find one’s voice and be openly and unabashedly “themselves” throughout their life. Society does not always make...