Aloha Friday Motivation | Labor Day Edition | POST:090123
Happy Aloha Friday! Blog Link I hope everyone is gearing up for a phenomenal Labor Day Weekend. Unofficially, the last weekend (or bookend) of summer, this is the official holiday for workers…so, well, basically, everyone. The first Labor Day was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5 th , 1882 in NYC in accordance with the Central Labor Union. This caught on and spread to half the country in just two years. A decade later, a law, put into effect by President Grover Cleveland, proclaimed the first Monday in September of each year to be observed as the Labor Day holiday. Labor Day celebrates the tireless campaigning of women and men fighting for workers’ rights at a time when things like Work/Life Balance, Workplace Safety, paid time off, sick leave, mat/pat leave, etc…were pipe dreams. It is because of these efforts that these luxuries of yesteryear are now the norm. Now I know you are asking, what the hell does it mean to never wear white after labor day? Some say this was a c