
Showing posts from October 15, 2023

Aloha Friday Motivation | Thomas Earl Petty Edition | POST:102023

  Happy Aloha Friday! ( Blog Link ) Believe it or not, I was taking my son to school on Tuesday and "Learning to Fly" was on the radio and it got me to thinking how much I love Tom Petty. Catching the song was a chance encounter because it is a quick 5 minute jaunt to his school and my dial is typically tuned to Phish Radio (Channel 29 Sirius/XM), so it meant something that I was hearing it. As I listened to the song, I started thinking, “How can I incorporate it into my Aloha Friday post?” So, as kismet, or luck, or synchronicity would have it, when I logged in today I saw that today is a Tom Petty’s birthday.   One of my first concert experiences was Tom Petty at the Meadows Music Theater in Hartford, CT on Friday, August 18 th 1995. He was promoting his recently released “ Wildflowers ” album and I had been scratching up my father’s copy of “ Into the Great Wide Open ” since I received my first discman. I do not recall much of the music, so much as the way live music...