Quiet for the Morning mgolia6@gmail.com It’s quiet these days, awaiting the other shoe’s blues to ring true Me, I sing em too, but softly, like a voice subdued Im glued to the notion that the ripple from the fall will undo The cause and effect, defects, infecting the decisions I always choose But you see right through, a cascade of bruises that are there but don’t show You know how to strike, like a flint skips to lighter fluid, ignites with a hollow glow Feel it deep below my skin, beginning to spread, like flame to fuel, and I know That this quiet is pervasive, contagious, elegiac and abrasive, like rust on the soul I bring nothing to the morning, it’s sun shining brighter in some inside joke The latch on this door, cracked frame, holds nothing in or out, even if its not broke Watch the intense point of the suns rays trigger kindling to simmer and smoke And through these doors, unhinged, I chew heavy on words so as not to choke
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Recollection I remember the steady flow rabble rouser battling from head to toe saying set me free but dont let me go hoping the break is clean as the ax is thrown I spark like flint when the pressures on a diamond in the rough, yeah those heads'll nod they know i dont shimmer but im worth bettin on so lay your money down, watch me ramble on a snake in the bush dont have much to say just lie in wait so patiently for his prey hoping a wayward soul will simply lose his way cause when it does man there is no need to pray knelt in the pew, in an empty church my back is bent like a winter birch frozen cold components that i need to nurse but sheltered in the warmth, man it could be worse i could be somewhere lying in a shallow grave so criminal that even the lord won't save the western wind whips striking me like a wave trying to stand, you watch as my body cave the crest of the ridge asks the sun what are you hiding from but soon those shafts of light beamin...
No Regrets
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It’s start with a spark, the flint just to get the fire lit, it’s dark Thinking this is it, gotta make your mark Til the morning hits, let it be legit Let it rush in fast, let me get a grip Knowing that spirit, brought to the limit I’ve tried, I’ve realized, that the more I try The more that it flies, the more that i realize That this time is a prize, a shimmer in my eyes A glimmer that I prize, simmering inside Marking my demise sparkle in my eyes Now I’m sheltered from the skies And no matter how I try I can’t shake the feeling And I won’t compromise Listen, please listen. Cause there’s something I gotta say I’m staring out the window On this cold and rainy day I’m looking at clouds And the silver linings gray It’s been a minute since I got lifted And sifted through my own messes My guess is that while I’ll miss em I probably won’t regret em Nah nah It’s been yea...
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Mgolia6@gmail.com I remember being born not at birth but at thirteen No womb but consumed by things that were other worldly There was consumption and addictions and abductions man I wanna scream Some kid got lit up in a bed and his father was an accessory I saw it on the tv, it was so sleazy, believe me I was thirteen years old and I was scared so easy I didn’t sleep for three nights and for ten years my dreams would freak me I couldn’t make out the difference between reality and my dreaming The room got big and I got small the walls so tall I started screaming Next thing you know I was talking and sleep waking Stalking my own demons in a somnambulist cauldron and I couldn’t get off it, it was like a faucet kept dripping and my lips slipping I was choked up and coughing and this happened so often but I could tell no one it was awful and I was caught in this nightmare ...
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We carry the torch high for this one I’m not gonna lie I’m wishing We could have a taste of our own medicine Set your scopes take your mark got your target Got em in your sights now your set but you park it You just Unlock the lock and decide to let em in My thoughts like the nights stars are scattered and and hard to make out But the voice in my head, incessant decides it is gonna shout I’d love some peace and quiet but that’s just a nice sentiment I’m battered and bruised You decide to cut loose Say you got nothing to gain I know i got nothing to lose So throw the switch light fuse It’s you bed to make so you must choose And like a head fake it’s just a ruse You haven’t got all night And me I haven’t a clue I’m unsure whether this is a dream or reality Cause outside the window pain it’s raining like pathetic fallacy If your not gonna turn that shit down well then allow me I stand up pull that fucker out the wall, th...
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This is it, this is me saying good bye I watch these memories like moments passing by So sudden but fuckem you can’t take em when you die So I erase em replace em With all these tears that I cry I’m erupting, assumptions, presumptive This loving corrupted was something Now nothing, and whether your bumming I wonder what happens but frozen In moments I’m slumming and yet I know why So I pretend and I render the moment Surrender I try to define what I felt but I’m rendered And when I am done I succumb and I wonder This blunder could leave me with all these tears that I cry I’m not certain but know that i must say goodbye This blueprint is soothing but soon it’s confusing I’m losing my grip and I take a deep sigh The crimson and brimstone and rhythm It’s home grown and I’m thinking like ozone and broken like your phone and soaking in the sun with the clouds passing by