
Showing posts from December 16, 2012


I've rambled roads just to scramble outside in the cold and living in Shambles preambles what's told of wretched and heartached in fables of old where the actor just fails to carry the load But I pick myself up and I'll turn the next bend where one road begins, they say, another does end and the last thing I wanted was to be here again but the first steps the hardest in the midst of the rain My worries don't fade with the shade of the clouds and the voices speak loudest when they come from my mouth but I wouldn't seek shelter from meancing doubts cause the voice seeks the choice that I'm worried about But I pick myself up and I'll turn the next bend where one road begins, they say, another does end and the last thing I wanted was to be here again but the first steps the hardest in the midst of the rain So in shambles I scramble for the thick of the storm but the shadow in the distance takes a meancing form and I searching for blue skie...

Mt Fuji

I've been avoiding disaster, trailing crafty as ever upping the ante, sleight of handing the master mistakes that talk tough, crack up and laugh at her, suspects sure to grapple the laughter that after the night's tryptych light strike might stand up and matter Confused, what you say in that way may trigger disaster. I'm as overdue as Mt Fuji this lava flowing through me my eruption all consuming people flee in frenzy my destruction will up-end thee tectonics plates are truly the catastrophic heathen bully with trampling feet, mobs turn unruly unrest the population thier main stay relation with the doom we prevail on those below our trails and hills ruin will soon be the morning after as crafty as means taking over my laughter sung down hill and faster storming rain in the hereafter

My Partial Autumn

Oh, and again with those dandelion hips and a now crushed tulip plant, when will they ever learn. Curtsy for the courtesy, to a young chap, chaps wearing and flirting with you young Mol. And again, as you bent down, the lowers of that flowing dress muddled and muddied in the dirt, transpired to convert the pink laced bottom to evil brown, and mitigating black; oh the coniving, territorial dirt from the ground whence it came! But you flirt factitious and and then facetious you ask, how do we all do; who's for the truth, baby, it's your fire, I hope you don't get burned. Oh and thoughts quelled at the pass beyond summer's last vacant face; out which beyond, one falls over edge to maiden space! I might have lost once, and was crushed by the weight of frayed sunlight, yet in it's grasp I was trailed to peaceful slumber atop dusty, wood floors. In my minds eye, hurling now, I spied two dogs from my periferal, in my position, hands and knees, the crackle of a r...

long beach ramble

Before the Quatro de Julio Jones Beach show my girlfrien and I wandered over to Long Beach to catch some rays, trying to take advantage of the beautiful day, the festive nature of things and utilize our tour run for more than just phish shows.             We roll into Long Beach and after skillfully navigating the parrallel and perpendicular streets that run all the way to the high rises that line the beach proper, we eventually score a choice spot a block and a half away from the boardwalk.             Knowing we might have to cough up from dough in order to bask in mother's nature's bathtub, we sauntered towards the water, and thought we had found stealth way onto the beach, when all of a sudden, a kid (who looked more like a homeless person at first, begging for change) looked up at us and began to speak. (I was certain we were being petitioned by a lost soul for a few...