Roll to the Tide
      Escapades into outer space, limited engagement- limited space,
      as Exits ceased to cut and evade even my frenetic pace
      evincing glimpses, turn the bend, of an altering mental state
      my mind spins and spun begins to replicate
      patterns and sound, sunlight circling, chasing the ground
      fretting each other in a primordial panic state.
      Wait for the baked cake to settle and dictate,
      batter whipped and dip-sipped, flour and eggs to create
      this half truth moment i helped to consecrate
      From bettin against threats, neurons firing split ends
      retinas retain haggered edges and mends colors that form clear in weight,
      sleight of hand, picasso's houdini against the ornate
      and here I am straight from the gate
      anticipation rises eclipsing my lingering fate.
      Couldn't wait for the bus, such a simple tin crate
      then he ate in four shifts, dipped his head as his lips taste
      the meals that would not cooperate. stomach ached
      crackle vase tipped and slit traced the edges of this tourniquet
      held bandage to the figure eight we skate
      up 95 to another date with destiny forged St Peter's pearly gates.
      This Van seems to cram musical granduer
      and grand stands, a band to let loose their best hand
      full house over 3 of a kind, This can't be the plan?
      Maine to Great Woods, Save a 1st set Hood, Could
      at times anchor me down, frowned down sea floor bound
      but this sealess churning and bouncing around,
      sets one more spin, twists skats the stage for what I can endure.
      Saloon to the right stands
      last chance to dance trance and rehashing plans.
      But no eyes could see this Suited Man
      walking with leisure pomp & circumstance
      Dimitri gives way to Lucy, just out of ear shot
      I hear Molly scream, beam of light, reflexes quiver and tight
      heavenly crystalline majesty,
      as she rises high up to meet her dreams.
      T-Pain listless, let's his hat speak its mind
      packing double stuffed krush groove and miracle kind.
      With these ties that bind, my shoes left behind
      I was a force driving, slip stitched between day and night
      struggling to escape authoritative sight
      shifting lanes, ducking main veins, for lift cranes
      my brain able to sustain such synthetic delight.
      Awake now in Mansfield
      groove to the this trans field,
      altered sunday shift yields
      a faint tinge of piece meal
      tying up loose ends
      and hoping the scratch will reveal
      another winner with each peel
      of the quarter which was our last meal.
      But $50 dollar scratch winner give us our next pay dirt
      the cat caught up and slept but then the dog ate her
      you guys shoulda thought twice gone back and spade her
      attendant waiving me back saying
      you can't park here and pay later
      of course that Sand is gritty as sand paper
      I nit picked the nickels and came out a day later
      even lover's couldn't spell, lizards, the damn hater
      causing bombshells in our minds against a deep crater.
      evading capture from the hellish, band together just to stay here.
      They could have succumb, one two, to the victory I've won
      watching the moon, part adieu, say goodnight to the sun,
      now simply comfortably numb, wise as they come
      and if I come home, undone, spun three different directions
      till the pant legs undone, needle to thread as the fortune teller spun
      stories of places I've come from, son, forced digital delay the static precision
      the cradle of my mind is left to comprehend my situation,
      wading in this world for something else to come...
      in due time formation of a new contradiction.
      Wars ends, all life ends, I stand one in a million.


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